Thursday, September 08, 2005

A Serious Rant!

Today I found out that I am – apparently – “intimidating”.
I don’t mean it in the sense that I am the size of a nightclub bouncer, or a Fijian rugby player. Actually, I’m something of a ‘stick’ than a ‘rock’. Let me explain…
I was at College today, the first day I actually made it to College. The previous two days of my College week saw me stuck at home nursing a massive headcold, but thankfully I can say I’m much better. Anyway, I was chatting to someone at College, and she made an interesting comment. She had heard someone else say: “That Ryan knows his Bible…” Now, if I leave it at that, what was said is a compliment. Sadly, she also added that the person who spoke those words was actually intimidated by that. Two things: Firstly, that hurts. While knowing your Bible is probably a very noble thing to be known for, nevertheless it guts me to know that somehow that affects a fellow brother or sister in Christ – for the worse. Why the intimidation? The only reason I “know” the Bible is because for the last four and a half years I have read it, let it soak into my being, let my life be shaped by it, and follow its teachings. What the heck is wrong with that? What’s so sinful about knowing your Bible?
And secondly, it raises the following issue, which originally wasn’t going to be a part of this “rant”, but it’s worth thinking about…

If you saw a Christian who you knew was involved in blatant unchristlike stuff, you would judge him to be a false Christian, right? As Christians, we are expected to follow Jesus, our ultimate example of a perfect and holy God. So you could say we are expected to be perfect. After all, there’s scriptural evidence of this. But here’s the problem, and I have also been labeled this as well! Say you saw a Christian who you knew was living a pure, blameless, holy, perfect life. Would you shake him by the hand and thank God for this example of Christian witness? I dear say you would not! Instead, you would scoff and say something like: Who do YOU think you are? How can you be sooo perfect! We would most likely rebuke him, jealous of his achievement to live out Jesus’ calling of holiness.

My question is: WHY DO WE DO THAT? Why do we stop fellow believers in reaching for perfection? Is it out of our reach? Are we that narrow to think that it can’t be done? If we believe in a God who factioned the universe ex nihilo, worked miracles through ordinary people, came to earth in human form, and worked His Spirit into the Church, then isn’t it reasonable to conceive that it IS possible to live a perfect, blameless life?

So many people would answer with a resounding “no”…

1 comment:

Warwick Tomlinson said...

first of all let me say that i don't find it intimidating at all, but iknow you well.
but you have to remember that when you are dealing with other peoples feelings and insecurities, to have a rant like this is not only mean its downright inconsiderate.
There are times ( and there must be) when somethings need to be kept to yourself.

Some are intimidated my other peoples knowledge compared to their own even if you don't do that.
The problem is that peoples feelings are a constant minefield and we as Christians have no right to tell people what to think and feel. However, what we DO, and need to keep doing is staying out of peoples faces with somethings and hope that with prayer God will bring that person to the right conclusion.

I can say this because you are a close friend and you won't be offended. There are times when we have to be careful how we tread when it comes to people, we need to check our own attitude (as you rightly say) before giving advice or even opening our mouths.

Please don't be offended by this my brother.