Sunday, September 18, 2005

1 Corinthians 13

I realise that I have given this post a seriously cheesy title. I mean c’mon – we all know exactly what Bible passage that is. But I’ve given this post the title because tonight’s service put a whole new spin on it. And before you read any further, I encourage you to stop reading this, grab your Bible and turn to the verse that the title suggests…

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Tonight I got a bit of a “wake-up” call. I have read this passage more times than I can count on both hands and feet, heard it preached more times than the 20-times table, heard it at many weddings…yet tonight I heard it in a way I have never heard it before. And it made perfect sense.
I’ll be brash: I’ve forgotten my first love. I have gone through my faith as of recent (and parts of late) with a stale love for God, and a stagnant love for the works of His hands – which includes people. Tonight rammed home to my heart that I have had a less-than-optimal Christian life. Sure, I’ve sang my throat dry (as was the case at PK), read my Bible every night, studied the Word at Bible College. Yet…something was missing. Something in my Christian walk wasn’t existent. And tonight it came to me. The incredibly profound truth was at the same time childishly simple! All God has called us to do…is love! We are called to love one another as God loved – and loves – us. Everything else – prophecy, tongues, mercy, helping, discipleship, teaching – stems from the one foundation that will never disappear. And that foundation is love! And it is a foundation that I pray I can make the foundation of my life.

Thank you, O God, for tonight’s message. I needed it…

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