Saturday, September 17, 2005

Election Day

Today is Election Day – the day that we as New Zealanders get a say in where the country’s going for the next three years.
Priase God that we have the privilege of a Democracy, and that we do actually get to vote! Many countries in the world do not have this system of government (Tonga, North Korea, the 55 Muslim Nations, et al), and for that I give thanks that I as a citizen of New Zealand – and the earth – have the right to vote.
About three hours ago I put my two ticks on the paper, joined by as many as 2.8 million others around the country. I couldn’t help but notice that today took on a seemingly different aura than most other days. That could be because tomorrow’s going to be different, in more ways than one.
Isn’t it funny that two little ticks mean so incredibly much? Isn’t it crazy to think that the two “most powerful” ink splotches are those we stick on the ballot paper?
I myself am not an apt fan or follower of Political Science, but there is one thing that is undeniable: My place in New Zealand is going to be shaped by how the country is run. Be it Labour, National, or even another party you choose, it is their policies and their interests that will be brought not only into government, but outworked in society. We will feel the impact for the next three years.
My advice: vote! We have the choice – please choose to.

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." - Pericles (430 B.C.)


Jared said...

Indeed such is the extraordinary nature of this election that your vote will really count.

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha sounds like a Campbell-ism

Pastor J said...


Warwick Tomlinson said...

Am watchin the election coverage now and its going to be very close, but your right and i do agree, what an important two splotches they are and i hope that whoever gets to govern our great country will do it with the poise and wisdom that is expected by the people of NZ and by God.

Pastor J said...

Warwick...I couldn't agree more =)