Monday, August 15, 2005

A Reflection: My Calling

After reading Warwick's post on "Where do I belong", I got thinking about the exact same question. My post stems half from the above, and half from Steve Taylor's message on August 14 morning. Well done Dr. Steve! =)

For a long time, I struggled with what my purpose was in life. Considering I spent the first eighteen years of my life as an Atheist, I never once dwelled on 'purpose'. After I became a Christian, things were, well...pretty cool, until 'purpose' reared its ugly head once again, and this time I couldn't shove it in a box for later.
I am at Bible College because I sincerely believe that I am to become a Pastor under the eyes of God. I see this not only as my calling, but also as the purpose that my life has been designed and made for. That's this half.
Steve was giving a message on the theme of 'gardening', which is ironic because I spent the bulk of Saturday gardening! Anyway, at the end of the message some boxes were passed round the church, containing various gardening tools. I took a hand shovel as mine, and here's why...
Leading up to my decision to go to Bible College, I was up at Hanmer Springs with a group of my friends. My best mate and I shared a room, and when the sun goes down we get into some deep discussions. About life, about God, about anything really. And I outlined what I wanted to do in my 'ministry'.
Going back to Steve's message, the hand shovel symbolised a 'weeder', hence I am a 'weeder' in God's Garden. I want to invest my life not only getting up there and doing the 'preaching thing', but also I want to strengthen fellow Brothers and Sisters, and as such 'weed' out of them the things that choke their walk with Christ.

That is my calling. That is my purpose. And I am looking forward to it!

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