Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What I'm Up To (In Brief)

With Bible College ceasing for the year, what has become of the J can be summed up in two words: Window Treatments.  With the end of my study life comes the re-entering of my full-time working life, as I make a return to the place where I built my life. I am working there more or less until my second year gets under way, which isn’t for another ten weeks at the least. And here I am – as I said in my November 1  post – joining my ‘working family’ for the longest haul in the infamous W.T. Christmas Period. In a lot of ways it’s great to be back! I feel comfy and right-at-home in the W.T. atmosphere, so it’s great that I can hang out with my workmates like the days of old, and have a good hard slog at the same time. But on the other hand, I miss College life. But I know in time I will be back for the long haul. Can’t wait to see you all there in 2006.
As well as returning to workplace life, I also stamp my authority on the Laser Strike field as I return to my tourney team as well, much to their delight. We played the top team last night and lost to them, but only by 40 points! We went in with a ‘tactic’ and came out with brains full of ideas and refinements. Next week we play a team called ‘Tekken’, and if we play the way we played last night Tekken are going to get ripped to pieces. That’s the plan anyway, and plans always  look good on paper, don’t they!
Tomorrow night I’m off to my Dad’s house after work for dinner and quality time, so that oughta be awesome…providing I can beat him in Darts. Difficult when he’s a Canterbury rep!
Anyways, off to host home group tonight, and I need to shave!
Peace out from the J =)    

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