Friday, November 11, 2005

Long Weekends

Today is “Show Day”, or lesser known as Canterbury Anniversary Day. For most cantabrians, that means it’s off to the A&P Showgrounds for a day at the Show, checking out different farming sections, rides and displays. For me, it’s a day out at Leeston for a round of Golf. And man am I gonna be sunburnt when I get back!
Yesterday was an awesome day too, just quietly. My morning run didn’t happen as my running partner got caught out by a stomach bug, but that left me able to sort out some things for College, namely Fieldwork. I visited my Cell Group Leadership FieldEd supervisor to finalise all the details of the fieldwork and (eventually) hand it in for a cool five credits. After that I came to College for a bit of reading and Cricket, but the Cricket wasn’t happening for two obvious reasons. One: there weren’t enough players there. Two: it was flippin’ hot!
Five o’ clock saw the BBQ prep all wrapped up, and a decent number of us tucked into the end of year Barbie. Congrads to the three lucky entrepreneurs who have been elected as next year’s student reps. I was so hoping that I was one of the three, but that’s all good. There’s always the third year.

Anyways, I’m off to grab my breakfast and a cuppa. I hope your Show Day will be as enjoyable as mine…and a lot less hot!

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