Sunday, October 30, 2005

The 'C' Word

For regular visitors to my lovely corner of webspace, I have written many articles on things I have encountered, things I have done (such as my last post before this one), and musings on a sort-of philosophical playing field. And all these are good and valid things I have written, but not a lot about the man behind the blog. My very first post was an introduction saying that my blog was for reflection on life and anything else that takes my fancy. Readers beware – I’m about to get brutally honest with myself.
Over the last few days, I have felt like crap. Sure I’ve been enjoying life, keeping a smile on the dial, but for the most part inwardly I have been feeling empty. I know that He is close, but I feel like God is far away from me at the moment. For all I know, it is probably just a patch or a phase I’m going through. But for the moment I’ve been feeling empty inside, I’ve been feeling lost and confused about a few things, and this feeling of being lost has only added to what I can only define as feeling crap!
I’m not writing this post to seek pity. Just simply – for the first time in a long time – being honest with myself with where I’m at.


Anonymous said...

If I am to be brutally honest in return, I must say this...
I know it's strange that I should feel so, but I can't help but feel something of relief to know that perhaps I am not the only one among my peers feeling crap yet maintaining the happy facade.

Life is a journey to be undertaken with all the highs and lows. I always find it strange that we can see the very end of the road but we can't seem to see between here and there. At least we know that the end is bound to be something good.

I shall be sure to say a prayer for you. I hope things start to look up soon.

see you on the pitch,

Warwick Tomlinson said...

I know your pain.

Somewhere in the midst of all the lectures and assignments i seem to have forgotten who i am and where God is.

I too am feeling a bit lost, but in this rushed world there is no time to reflect or seek a pity party so we just carry on.

I think its what we do as humans.

Warwick Tomlinson said...

Dude, you gotta update your blog.