Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An Update to Full Circle

Since I wrote my post Full Circle, there have been a couple of developments that have arisen. One involves the University of Canterbury; the other involves Joyce Meyer.

Firstly, even before I wrote Full Circle, I had been frequently visiting the Seek website, checking out possibilities for future jobs. While there is currently nothing on the horizon, it has been good seeing what is out there. Aside from Seek, I have also been frequenting - moreso - the Canterbury University website. I have been going there to check out possibilities in "bettering myself"; getting a further qualification that could pave the way for bigger and better opportunities.

Secondly, my wife and I attended the GirlTalk event at the WestpacTrust Centre on Sunday night. Realising the name of the event (GirlTalk), there were a surprisingly good amount of men in attendance. As well as a fantastic performance by Parachute Band, Joyce Meyer was the keynote speaker. Now, I am quite allergic to anything resembling Pentecostalism [1] (for a number of personal reasons which I won't go into here), and accompanied my wife with a little tinge of apprehension. However, what I found was quite a solid, common sense message that didn't smack of veiled Pentecostalism. While I may be wary with regard to some of the things Pentecostalism claims, I found that I had no need to be wary at GirlTalk. If anything, I found it to be a most fantastic event, and I also managed to bump into some college buddies who attended as well. All in all, it was more than worth it to attend.

[1] Note that I am making a marked distinction between Pentecostalism and those who attend Pentecostal-denominated churches. One day I might write a post explaining why I am not so keen on Pentecostalism.

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