Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Of God And Illness

If you’re anything like me, then you hate it when you’re stuck at home nursing some kind of illness. That’s been me over the last couple of days; I’ve been recovering from a sore stomach and, would you believe it, was caused by me eating far too much sugar products! Let’s just say that when you get a bunch of mates sitting at home watching the Crusaders on Sky, one tends to get a bit too “partied-up”, no alcohol needed. That was me on Saturday night…and Sunday/Monday was spent in stomach agony. When will I learn!
But being stuck at home has its upsides too. Like not being at work for instance (although I did  go to work on Monday). But I didn’t get to College because I wanted that extra day of recovery, and I’m pleased to report that I am back to my normal, energetic self.
Being stuck at home also allows one to sit back and reflect on God. I mean, what else  can you do when you’re crook? When you’re used to sprinting through life, you’re now forced to hit the brakes and take life in the slow lane. I’ve used my “day of slowness” to sit down and catch up on some homework (which I’m now up-to-date with), and it’s interesting that God can be found within my studies. I’m sure many of my College buddies can attest to that. I wouldn’t say that God has leapt  every time I flick over a page, but just little seeds here and there have helped me grow in this faith journey we call life.
So the next time you get caught out by any sort of illness, sit back and take the time to mull with God. When you’re healthy and stuck in the fast lane of life, seldom does anyone check up on their personal growth. I am one such person. I need to downshift, and maybe you do too.

1 comment:

Warwick Tomlinson said...

Good on you. When i get sick i throw myself a good-ole-fashioned pity-party to which i'm the only one invited.
Maybe i should take a leaf from your book.

By the way i feel fine, maybe thats cos i sat and watched the rugby by myself.(the beginnings of a very good pity-party)