Monday, January 23, 2006

Arthur's Pass

Remember my post from way back when I went over to Arthur's Pass for the day? Here's some photos of the day =)

The Crew (Left to Right: Ricardo, Miriam, Andrea, Myself and Peter)

The Crew (sans Andrea) atop a bridge on the Devil's Punchbowl track

A view of a really cool mountain

Devil's Punchbowl Falls

This is the self-suspending ice-shelf I made reference to in my last post about Arthurs's Pass. Considering it's the middle of Spring and it was roughly 25 degrees outside, this was the most impressive bit of the whole tramp!

1 comment:

Warwick Tomlinson said...

I see the silly hat went with you.
It's amazing there isn't it? So still and perfect where you can just stand in awe of God.