Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Busy Slacker

Hehe long time, no blog!
I haven’t quite vanished from the face of the Earth; just a small blog to let you all know that I’m alive and well. I hope you’ve all had an awesome and memorable Christmas, one filled with wonderful times and reflections of God deciding to pop on down to Earth as a manger-dwelling infant. I have disappeared temporarily from the blogspot for a number of reasons. Firstly, check out my previous post (Golden Age) for one  reason. Secondly, I’ve not been able to have any time to myself for the last month. Ever since exams, I’ve straight away returned to Window Treatments as a full-timer until my second year kicks under way. Thirdly, if I haven’t been at work I’ve been elsewhere. It seems that my time has been spread across many fronts, and the fact of the matter is, you are reading this particular post because I finally  managed to have time all to myself.
Anyways, must dash. I didn’t tell you how much time I had to myself (clue: not all that much). But rest assured over my absence I’ve collated some juicy ideas for posts that will hopefully spill over from my brain to my blogspace. But until then, have a happy New Year’s celebration(s). Don’t do anything I wouldn’t (list not available) =)

Peace out!

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