Below are two images I found on the web. One is of a Sunday church service, and the other is of Coffee Culture at the base of Hackthorne Road. For this episode of From The Soapbox, post a comment outlining these points: Which of the two images looks like church? And...why?

Both, i believe that 'church' as a generic term can and should mean 'when a family or group of like minded people gather to share their lives, hurts, loves, passions etc' and the fact that 'going' to church means 9for most) stuffy old men talking about a seemingly irrelevant being trying to exert control does nothing for a lot of people.
Why cant God be worshipped in a cafe during the week.
The problem with this question is that i basically make myself redundant by the posing of it.
*Puts soapbox away and gets on with work* See what you did?? ;)
What an awesome comment YET :)
I think you nailed it with your question: Why can't God be worshipped in a cafe during the week?
I will most likely write a post in response to this Soapbox.
The first picture looks more like "church" to me because it reminds me of SBC especially.
It also looks more like "Church" because the place I spend most of my time with fellow believers is in "church" (and I don't drink coffee so spend almost no time in cafes).
If you'd included a picture showing people on lounge suites, talking and what-not, I might have chosen that.
Starbucks has lounge suites and things like that. I couldn't find a picture of that tho...else that would have been my prime pick.
I love the cafe image. Couches, park bench, whatever. It all kinda relates in my head.
I don't go to church, but every Monday night, I get together with a bunch of friends, we have dinner and we talk for a while about a passage we're studying together. Every Thursday afternoon, a friend and I get together, we talk about our highs, our lows, our biblical insights, our cultural insights, we might sing in the park, in someone's backyard or something. We might talk in a cafe or the local Indian restuarant.
I love my church. My church on Monday is a bunch of people who get together with intention to get some spiritual feed. Church on Thursdays is everything I need to keep my going spiritually. I think maybe it's about the intention of it ay.
Oh and Ryan.. sorry I didn't get back to you re: cup o' tea. Got my bro and his family visiting at the moment. I'm on study leave soon so I'll check what you're up to around then :)
Much love,
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