Recently, a couple of cool things happened to me. I thought I’d share one of them. There’s probably a lesson in here for each of us, as there definitely was with me. For those of you who think God doesn’t speak when you’re on the job, think again…
I was at work a couple of weeks ago, and was asked to shift a whole lot of boxes and cardboard tubes around on shelves, each containing roller fabric. I had to dispose of the empty boxes and arrange the full boxes/tubes. Now, had I known I would end up shifting 1.5 tonnes of roller fabric, I probably would have asked for help. But I managed to get it all done – yay me.
Not long after I had started, one of the office staff came down and asked me to arrange the boxes in order of fabric types, to make it easier for her to search and find them. I wasn’t in the mood for orderly arrangement; I was asked to shift these boxes – 30kg a piece – to a new location to make way for incoming product. In fact, I was wild enough to stop what I was doing, and look for the supervisor that asked me to shift the boxes in the first place, so that he could veto the office worker’s “decision”. I got roughly ¼ of the way, when a voice said to me, “It’s not worth it.”
I stopped walking.
“It’s not worth it.”
I turned around, went back to my lovely, heavy roller fabric, and went about my task, arranging the fabric as well. All I could say in reply was, “You’re right, Lord.”
When I look back on that incident, I can see that I did the right thing in the end. To be honest, when I was told to move the fabric in order, I did get wild (within myself). I was asked to do a job by someone, and then somebody else from the outside thought they could ‘change the rules’, as it were. It is no wonder why I stormed away from the boxes and sought out my supervisor. It is no wonder the Lord stepped in and quelled my anger. You see, I wanted out of anger, possibly out of a revenge motive for this decision to be vetoed. But I was told, “It’s not worth it”. And it’s not. I could very easily have asked my supervisor to overturn the office worker’s decision, and thus I could have continued with my task unphased. But I probably would have lost the trust of a fellow worker.
The Lord was right. It is not worth it. I’m glad I turned back and went about my business. For all I know, it probably saved a lot of hardship later on.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

That's right folks! After years of putting it off, for numerous reasons, I finally took the plunge and as of Thursday 28 December, 2006, I entered the Drivers License Community. I passed my Learner's 33/35 (which is a pass for any class license of your choice, but I only went for the Class 1).
Look out roads...!
The Ultimate Road Trip
Your mission, should you choose to accept to drive to Greymouth to get some Fish 'n' Chips!
Sounds crazy? That's exactly what me and a dedicated team from Opawa did. And below are some photos of THE ultimate road trip!
The Christchurch weather.
The fearless driver!
The Tavern (probably the most prominent building in this 'town').
The place...
The final destination...
The reason we went to Greymouth!
Mission accomplished.
Sounds crazy? That's exactly what me and a dedicated team from Opawa did. And below are some photos of THE ultimate road trip!
The Christchurch weather.

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