Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ryan Sumner, Dip.BS

What a year it’s been! Here I am, more or less at the end of my first year at Bible College, and what a year it’s been! I started out on this journey of living with Jesus in early 2001, so I guess I’m coming up to my fifth birthday – even though I’m 22! I came from a background of partying, drinking copious amounts of goodness-knows-what, smoking, and on one occasion drugs. But all that’s in the distant past. I’ve often reflected on my past with a chuckle to myself thinking, five years ago I would never have thought of this whole God-thing that I’m doing!  And I would never have picked this ardent ex-Atheist to be willing to give up full-time work to go to Bible College to study to become a Pastor. What a 180 that  is!
So as I sit back and reflect on this past year, I remember that I’ve sacrificed so little in order to gain so much. I gave up full-time hours to put time in attending Bible College. I gave up earning $400 a week to pay $3000(+) for my dream. My relationship with my girlfriend at the time before College ended (long story), only to gain a whole heap of friends that I so see as something much, much more. Thank you guys for being my family this year. Thank you my Boss for letting me go to strive toward my calling (and still return for part-time work). And especially thank you God, for making yourself known to me in ways I cannot articulate. And that you’re still  with me, even when life throws me curve balls.

And to everyone – roll on next year for another round! See you all there =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on making it through your first year. I've had the priviledge of seeing you grow academically and it's been really awesome.

You've done awesome dude!!

See ya next year,
