Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Inner Reflection

I think it’s time to be honest with myself for a change.

It has been awhile since my last real  post on my blog, and there are some reasons for this. The first is that I have, more or less, lost my motivation when it comes to blogging. The second is that I am going through a rough patch at the moment (in which I know I am not alone in), which is contributing to my loss of motivation. This ‘patch’ is study-related; I am going through what can only be described as a phase in my life where I have wanted to basically walk out. I have wanted to chuck in the towel, as it were, and walk out of my studies. I have found this semester to be a difficult one. It feels like I am caught in some sort of ‘limbo’ in my study life, where there seems to be a high workload yielding low rewards. By walking out, I can leave all this crapness behind me, start afresh and find motivation again. Maybe I will return, maybe not.

But that, of course, is not the answer…

I know that to have come this far in my studies, to walk out on it would tell me that everything I had to sacrifice in order to get into college would be for nothing. Walking out isn’t going to achieve the end goal. Walking out isn’t going to allow me to graduate, much less get me the degree. Despite my feelings of utter despair, despite this storm of life, I must press on. I hope I am not alone in this. If I am, then consider this post a whinge that has allowed me to express my inner feelings. If I am not alone, then at least I am not the only one going through this.